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The Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Latest Update


Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne OBE
Sussex Police Banner


This weekend I was delighted to be able to support the Sussex Neighbourhood Watch Conference in Horsham having allocated a grant to the organisation to help them increase their reach and deploy updated technology for messaging.

Delegates heard from Deputy Chair Derek Pratt MBE about the Sussex Alert System and discussed how best to share police information with all Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators.

Federation Chair John Wright MBE and Neighbourhood Policing Inspector David Derrick emphasised the importance of working together to keep Sussex Safe.

Safety was also the theme from three highly qualified speakers talking about fraud and cyber-enabled crime. They urged the audience to take the view that, if an email, call or approach is unsolicited, it’s most probably a scam.

The Age UK speaker reminded delegates that we may all eventually face the same issues as older residents - a lack of mobility, increased vulnerability to fraud and loneliness - and that a few moments helping our older residents was all it would take to provide company, guidance and physical help with errands.

Members of my team summarised the wide range of my duties and responsibilities as Police & Crime Commissioner, including the amount of funding that has been allocated to support community safety projects and to services for victims of crime.

My Head of Partnerships, Simon Morris, outlined my plans to establish a ‘Fatal Five Roads Policing Unit’ and made the sobering point that just one fatal collision costs over £2million as well as leaving families bereft.

Delegates said they would be happy to help arrange local focus groups and feedback channels to help inform my Police and Crime Plan and to disseminate future surveys. My office thanked Neighbourhood Watch members for their consistent support to policing and the community over the past 14 years.

An update on our Immediate Justice programme

An individual, who spray-painted on the wall of a language school in Brighton & Hove, was issued a Community Resolution by Sussex Police after admitting to the offence and feeling remorseful for their actions.

Immediate Justice (IJ) was chosen as the outcome and referred through to the Brighton Business Crime Reduction Partnership, who run a scheme called ‘Putting It Right’ and are integral partners of our IJ programme.

For just under three hours, the individual painted over existing graffiti whilst conversations were had reflecting on the offence and how this caused more than just damage to a property.

The individual accepted full responsibility for their actions and put great effort into cleaning the wall of graffiti. They also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to engage in Immediate Justice as a diversion outcome and wanted to be part of ‘the solution’.

To the right, you can see before and after images of the reparative activity. Read more on my website.




Katy Bourne OBE
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner


  Before IJ


After IJ

My upcoming Performance & Accountability Meeting

sub pic  

My next Performance and Accountability Meeting (PAM) is on Friday 13 September at 9am. 

In the meeting, I will be scutinising Sussex Police's response on a number of topics, including how the Force handle investigations into rape and other serious sexual offences. 

I often receive correspondence from the public about the use of e-scooters, so I will also be asking about what enforcement action has been taken by Sussex Police in regards to e-scooters in 2023/24.